We are living off expired stories. Stories that expire can no longer dance with you. They are lethargic or stuck, they can’t move things in generative ways any more, but we often feel we cannot let them go.
All posts by Elena:
#blackhistorymonth “How long ’til Black Future Month?”* Celebrating Black narrative inspiration
For Black History Month, here are our top ten Black inspirations for framing & narrative for the future. In no particular order, because #hierarchyispatriarchy…
Pandemic Response: Part 7 Narrative tactics And how to respond...
Looking out at the not-so-normal-new-normal as we near the end of 2020, Dora Meade and Elena Blackmore have been thinking about the key narrative *tactics* currently in play and how social and political movements should respond: The co-option of language in the battle of ideas. Everyone wants to Build Back Better now: with radically differentRead more
#blacklivesmatter Narrative is fractal 5 Why we need more than words to truly face racism
Why we need more than words to truly face racism…
Pandemic Response: Part 5 Virus as beast or crime 3 Why episodic and thematic framing matters
There’s a 2011 study in which researchers tested the effects of framing crime using the metaphors of either crime-as-virus or crime-as-beast. Participants in the study read one version of the following: “Crime is a {wild beast preying on/virus infecting} the city of Addison. The crime rate in the once peaceful city has steadily increased overRead more
The Narratives We Need How do we frame our way to Wakanda? Wakanda Version
The world outside Wakanda—our world—is rife with poverty, violence, oppression, fear, corporate power. Wakanda cannot remain immune to this forever. The beliefs that maintain oppression and violence are widespread and common. But there’s another set of widely-held core beliefs where we see the potential for change. These beliefs sit side by side: toxic and oppressive,Read more
Movement Narrative Review The Narratives We Need 1 Strengthening the stories that unite us
Read the Wakanda Version of The Narratives We Need or buy the poster. Social movements across Europe face some common framing challenges. We asked over 200 campaigners—environmentalists, feminists, anti-racists, new economists, and many more—what we’re up against, analysed the trends and pulled together the key lessons. If you’re part of a group organising for socialRead more
New Publication A new framing toolkit for equality activists across Europe
Download our new toolkit for Framing Equality here! Interested in attending or hosting a workshop in the UK in the new year? Get in touch! We’re in Poland in the unpredictable summer of 2013. Progressive movements are collectively rolling their eyes at an attack on gender equality from the fringes of the religious right. ItRead more
Organisational Restructuring PIRC goes flat 3 Twelve steps to organisational structural change
“It has been a bit of rollercoaster, albeit it one with no height restrictions and an office-based theme. During the process I have fluctuated between hopeful, frustrated, excited, bored, interested, determined, happy, grumpy, thankful and something that could only really be captured in a facial expression.”—Ralph Two years ago, PIRC transitioned from a slightly dysfunctional,Read more
Pride & Prejudice Six framing lessons from London Pride
This month, people marched across London in the culmination of Pride. But in the lead up to the festivities, the organisers faced some pretty fierce criticism for this year’s Love Happens Here campaign. The PR company behind the campaign apologised after receiving complaints about the centring of straight people’s voices, the use of homophobic slursRead more
New Publication General Election Communication Guide 3 For anyone working for a more equitable, democratic & sustainable society
It’s just seven days until the polling stations close. Depending on your constitution (and/or the most recent poll you have seen), you might feel we are living in exciting (or terrifying) political times, or you might agree with Brenda in Bristol that there is just too much politics these days. Either way, it’s important not toRead more
Developing Discourse or Stunted Growth? Taking the Sustainable out of the Sustainable Development Goals
Where does poverty come from? Whatever your answer, it’ll shape what you think we should do about it. If you think it’s natural, for example, then perhaps all we can do about it is alleviate suffering rather than get rid of it. Perhaps we shouldn’t do anything about it at all. Your answer will subsequentlyRead more
Open Democracy Blog Strivers and skivers? 2 We're all in this together...
The binary rhetoric that currently surrounds the welfare state reflects a deep moral narrative with a crippling social impact. ‘Strivers’ and ‘skivers’ are two sides of the same coin. That coin is shame. One side represents the deserving, and the other side the undeserving. Rachel Reeves, the UK Shadow Work & Pensions Secretary, recently saidRead more
Common Cause Training Values, Leadership & Social Change
23rd – 26th June 2015 A residential training course in the applied psychology of human motivation for communicators, organisers and leaders of social change This summer, we’re offering three days of practical and inspiring participatory learning in the beautiful mid-Wales hills. Together, we’ll be using the Common Cause approach to explore the psychology of valuesRead more
Hate racism, love Finland 10 ways values link to prejudices across Europe
What do you value in life? If you ask anybody this question, there’s surprising similarity in what people say. You can generally put people’s values into four broad groups: Change & autonomy values, such as creativity and freedom,are linked to tolerance and comfort with difference. (Openness-to-change values) Care & empathy values are all about concern for others andRead more