Looking out at the not-so-normal-new-normal as we near the end of 2020, Dora Meade and Elena Blackmore have been thinking about the key narrative *tactics* currently in play and how social and political movements should respond: The co-option of language in the battle of ideas. Everyone wants to Build Back Better now: with radically differentRead more
All posts by Dora:
Pandemic Response: Part 6 Pandemic Resources Regularly updated
Action is the antidote to despair. Joan Baez Resources for communicating about COVID-19: National Covid-19 Messaging Document ASO Communications Talking About COVID-19: A Call for Racial, Economic, and Health Equity The Opportunity Agenda Progressive Framing of the Coronavirus Pandemic The Commons Social Change Library Covid-19 Pandemic Resources for Progressives Australian Progress Metaphors in the timeRead more
Pandemic Response: Part 4 Pandemic Metaphors 21 Tracking the narrative
Analyses of language reveal the extraordinary fact that we use around one metaphor for every ten seconds of speech or written work. If that sounds like too much, it’s because you’re so used to thinking metaphorically – to speaking of ideas that are ‘conceived’ or rain that is ‘driving’ or rage that is ‘burning’ orRead more
Pandemic Response: Part 3 Pandemic Beliefs 1 Understanding the narrative
Only a crisis – actual or perceived – produces real change. When that crisis occurs, the actions that are taken depend on the ideas that are lying around. Milton Friedman So what are the ideas that are lying around? You may not share Milton Friedman’s opinion of the ideas we need lying around. But ourRead more
Pandemic Response: Part 2 Messages of Hope 1 From across civil society
When we drop fear, we can draw nearer to people [in some ways at least], we can draw nearer to the earth, we can draw nearer to all the heavenly creatures that surround us. bell hooks We have in the past week been grateful to receive several beautiful messages of hope from our colleagues andRead more
Pandemic Response: Part 1 Unimaginable times 2 An evolving resource
Just a few weeks ago, this moment was unimaginable. We would not have believed the headlines, or been able to picture how the high street looks today. COVID-19 has abruptly pressed pause on anything that resembles ‘normal’ day-to-day life. This is a moment of anxiety. We are fearful for our health and the health ofRead more
Movement Narrative Review The Narratives We Need 1 Strengthening the stories that unite us
Read the Wakanda Version of The Narratives We Need or buy the poster. Social movements across Europe face some common framing challenges. We asked over 200 campaigners—environmentalists, feminists, anti-racists, new economists, and many more—what we’re up against, analysed the trends and pulled together the key lessons. If you’re part of a group organising for socialRead more
Open Workshop Disrupting the Story Manchester 23-24th May
A workshop on framing and story for anyone wanting a chance to dig into how can we take control of the narratives around our movements. Apply for Disrupting the Story here!
New Publication Framing Nature Toolkit launched 3 A guide to how words can help wildlife
This week we launched the Framing Nature Toolkit. Packed with activities, tools and advice, the toolkit aims to make our words work for wildlife. We’ve filled the toolkit with exercises and examples to enable you to put framing into practice. If you want to get stuck into more of the theory that this toolkit drawsRead more
New Publication General Election Communication Guide 3 For anyone working for a more equitable, democratic & sustainable society
It’s just seven days until the polling stations close. Depending on your constitution (and/or the most recent poll you have seen), you might feel we are living in exciting (or terrifying) political times, or you might agree with Brenda in Bristol that there is just too much politics these days. Either way, it’s important not toRead more