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Building on the work of Common Cause for Nature, the Framing Nature Toolkit concentrates on the practical application of communication tools in conservation.
How to frame for a more equal society: specifically, one in which lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, intersex, and other queer communities, can lead full, liberated lives, free from violence.
This report explores how values inform the way food education is delivered in Wales and makes recommendations for food educationalists and practitioners.
What can values teach us about good food education? This positioning paper for the Organic Centre Wales kicks off a 9-month action research project to explore this question...
This report explores how an understanding of values can provide a new perspective on the work of equality bodies in Europe. Research commissioned and supported by Equinet.
This guide offers practical recommendations for the conservation sector and others on how to ensure their work strengthens the values that motivate people to protect and enjoy nature.
Covering different aspects of climate science, the facsheets are a solid, reliable and concise guide for campaigners wishing to communicate climate science with accuracy and confidence.
Different Politics, Same Planet: Values for Sustainable Development Beyond Left and Right argues that governments must lead a shift in values if we are to transition to a sustainable economy.
This report examines the coverage of renewable energy across four major British newspapers in July 2009 – the month that saw the release of the Government’s Renewable Energy Strategy.
This report uses current academic research and practitioner-based expertise to best inform government and non-governmental climate change communications and engagement.
Climate Safety synthesises and communicates the latest climate science, analyses and critiques the UK’s existing climate targets and promotes a climate policy with risk management at its core.