Values Deck


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Values Deck

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    Current games

    Values Storytelling

    3-10 players

    This is a fun game to get you more familiar with the different values through storytelling.

    1. Everyone needs a pen and piece of paper.
    2. In this game you take it in turns to be the storyteller.
    3. The elected storyteller draws three values cards from the deck and keeps them a secret from the other players.
    4. The storyteller then takes a minute or two to look at the cards and come up with a story that includes events or references that refer to the values cards they have drawn, without saying the name of the value.
    5. The storyteller then tells the story (it can be as long or short as they want)
    6. Once the story has finished the other players write down the three values they think were in the story without letting anyone else see.
    7. Once everyone has written down the three values they think were in the story, everyone shows their piece of paper and the storyteller shows everyone the three values cards.
    8. If you want to keep score, everyone guessing gets a point for each correct value. The storyteller scores three points if at least one person guesses all three values but not if everybody guesses all of them (this encourages the storyteller to not make it too easy, but not too make it too obscure either).
    9. Now another player takes the role of the storyteller and the game continues.

    If you’re scoring, the first to 15 points wins.

    Why Values?

    2+ players

    This game discusses why we have values, why they are important and how they relate to one another.

    1. Shuffle the values deck and place 3 values face up.
    2. Take a minute to look at the cards and their definitions.
    3. Now in a group discuss the following:
      1. What actions or behaviours do you associate with each of these values?
      2. When are these behaviours important? When might they be helpful? When might they be a hindrance?
      3. Which of the values you have drawn are most similar to one another? Why?
      4. Which of the values are the most different to one another? Why?
    4. Now turn over another card and go through the above questions again for this card – considering the differences and similarities between it and the cards that have already been drawn.
    5. Continue drawing cards for as long as you want the discussion to last.

    Creating your own values map

    5+ players

    This game encourages players to consider the similarities and differences between values.

    1. Shuffle the deck.
    2. Place a card face up on the floor.
    3. Now turn over another card – place it close to the other card if you think it has some similarities, move it away from the card in any direction you like if you think it is quite different. It will be easier if you place the cards in multiple directions to allow for more differences and similarities (imagine you are placing them on a huge board).
    4. Continue to turnover and place cards – moving the cards that are already in place to make room for new cards. For example: it may be that a card you have just turned over might have more in common to another card than the one currently placed next to it, therefore the new card will be placed between the two that are already laid out.
    5. Continue placing the cards and moving them around until all the cards are placed.
    6. Look over the cards – discuss whether there are any you want to rearrange.
    7. Once you are all happy discuss the similarities and differences you see.
    8. If you like you can compare your result to this map of values based on a large body of research, visit:

    Know your values

    1+ players

    This activity is about self-reflection. Getting to know our own values helps us act in line with them – and doing so makes us happier, more effective and better connected.

    1. What is most important to you? What do you enjoy and look forward to? What makes you happy?
    2. Go through the cards and find five values you think are most important to you. How do they relate to your life?
    3. Now find five values you relate to least or have the most negative feelings about. How do they relate to your life?

    EXTRA: You can also do a version of this with a friend, where one of you chooses their top five values and the other guesses their answers.

    What would make a great … ?

    2-8 players

    The roles we hold reflect and reinforce values. What values do we associate with being a great parent, teacher, or leader? Why?

    1. In pairs create a list of six different roles and occupations
    2. Working together, choose two values you think are necessary to carry out each role or occupation effectively (pay attention to what you mean by effective!)
    3. Consider whether it’s easy or difficult to prioritise the values you’ve identified for each role – how would society need to change to make it easier for these values to be prioritised?

    What values are important for a better world?

    2-10 players

    This activity encourages us to focus on the values of our society and their importance to big social issues.

    1. As a group come up with a list  of the most important problems facing our society
    2. Spread the values cards out on a large table
    3. On your own, think about which values are most important for society to give importance to in order to tackle the problems you have identified – write down the five you think are most important.
    4. Once everyone has decided on their five, share your answers.
    5. Discuss the following as a group:
      1. Why you choose the values you did?
      2. How important are those values to each of you doing the activity?
      3. How important are they in our society?
      4. What things (school, media, work etc.) help to strengthen or weaken those values?

    Draw the values

    4+ players

    Can you depict the values? Do you have your own idea of what values look like? What everyday objects bring certain values to mind? Get creative and draw your own version of the values in this fun activity.

    1. Split into two teams of two or more people, then shuffle the cards and place them face down
    2. Turns alternate between teams, with the team member whose turn it is taking a card from the top of the deck
    3. They must draw the value for their team members to guess, without using letters or the illustration on the card itself
    4. Once guessed correctly, the team keeps the card
    5. The artist must draw as many values as they can within one minute, and is allowed one ‘pass’ per go
    6. The first team with twenty guessed cards in their hand wins

    Values Charades

    4+ players

    What does human motivation look like? Act out the values  and try to guess what they are to find out.

    1. Split into two teams of two or more people, then shuffle the cards and place them face down
    2. Turns alternate between teams, with the team member whose turn it is taking a card from the top of the deck
    3. They have one minute to act out the value while the other members of their team try to guess correctly (noises or speech not allowed!)
    4. The first team to correctly guess ten values wins